The 12th Junior sports day was celebrated with great zeal, excitement and frolicsome at Vidhya Sagar Global School, Chengalpattu on 21st September 2019. The program started with the prayer song and the school flag was hoisted by the chief guest Sri.V.N.Nageswaran, Branch Manager, HDFC Bank, Chengalpattu. Procession of prefects and members of four houses started the March past so briskly with Fruits, Vegetables, Cereals & Pulses, Fresh juice as their placards-representing the Healthy Food and the welcome address was presented by S.Gokul Madhav Of Class II followed by the students of Kindergarten, Classes I and II displayed a wide array of colorful events such as Umbrella & Parachute Drill, Yoga and Aerobics. The chief guest appreciated the students for their tremendous performance and dedicated efforts. The program concluded up with the vote of thanks by G.Supraja of class I.